Lyric Baritone
Website for American lyric baritone, Darrell J. Jordan
“He [Jordan] adoringly sings Kahlo’s praises in a serenade while reinforcing “art can happen anywhere” — a clever message given Rivera’s preferred medium, the mural.”
“Jordan’s expressive, full baritone was equally impressive conveying the self-important, cold Onegin of the first act, and the passionate, headstrong Onegin of the third act.”
“[On Jordan’s performance in Haydn’s “The Seasons”] sung sentimentally with a teasing undertone.”
“As the poet Reginald Bunthorne, Darrell J. Jordan’s expressive baritone is only matched by his equally expressive face and acting as he copes with the obtrusive attentions of the “twenty-lovesick maidens” all appreciably long in the tooth.”
“Jordan is hilarious and shameless in the very best way. There is no potential joke unmined. He uses his full range not only in the vocals but throughout his dialogue as well. These two [Colin Briskey, tenor and Jordan] have some of the best chemistry together onstage of all of the pairings.”
“...The star of the show, Darrell J. Jordan as Papageno. Think Tom Hulce as Mozart himself in the classic film version of Amadeus.”
“[On Mr. Jordan’s role in Susanna’s Secret] one of the most rousing performances on offer this season.”
“Lyric baritone Darrell J. Jordan shines as the husband, Ignacio. He hits just the right tone in making Ignacio a handsome, clueless dork—who happens to have a beautiful voice.”
“[On Mr. Jordan’s role of Ignacio in Bolcom’s Lucrezia] fine work!”
“Baritone Darrell J. Jordan, as the clueless Gil, gives a classic blustery farce performance—a sort of old-school, commedia-dell’arte acting style that provides a sly analogue to his character’s sexual conservatism.”
“Appealingly sung!”
“Steamy and funny!”
“Resplendent [stage presence]!”